Bold: We help you find a patient who needs dialysis but cannot pay as it is an expensive procedure.
The burden on patients and their families is high. Some patients lose their jobs if the time they spend on dialysis cannot be tolerated by their employers while some employers would never give jobs to those taking the treatment. Children too are not spared from the scourge of the disease. Hemodialysis as the treatment for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patient is a lifelong, lifesaving procedure .CKD patient cannot survive without taking dialysis. Every Dialysis & its accompanying medical treatment cost money almost to the tune of N300, 000 or $ 900 per month.
If they do not have family and social support they do not do very well on treatment. Such people really need financial and emotional support to live life.
Please extend financial help to the needy patients. Express your desire and we shall help you identify the patient for you. You can pay part of the treatment on a regular continuous basis or take care of the material or financial needs of the patient.
- A sponsor is free to adopt any patient he or she desires whether female, male, old or young.
- Patient must have been on dialysis for some time and duly registered at JFK Dialysis Centre or any other affiliated centre.
- Sponsor is at liberty to pay partially or wholly for the dialysis sessions
4.Monies for dialysis are paid in ADVANCE on a weekly or monthly basis as deposit and the amount of subsidy the sponsor is providing is deducted each time the patient presents for dialysis and balance on account with an acknowledgement is sent periodically to sponsor.
5.Where sponsor ask GAHKI to help identify a patient , GAHKI will do so by forwarding the names of the MOST NEEDY , selected based on criteria such as history of dialysis,income,employment history ,age and other socioeconomic factors
- Anonymous donors or sponsors are welcome